Part of the Roman aqueduct built during Julius Cesar's reign

Part of the Roman aqueduct built during Julius Cesar's reign

The first defensive walls at Maastricht were built in the 13th century, but by 1300 the town had outgrown these walls, and new walls had to built to enclose the enlarged town. By the end of the middle ages, Maastricht had an impressive set of walls with many towers and large gatehouses.

The Dutch regained Maastricht by the Treaty of Nijmegen, 1678. As a result of the events of the previous 5 years, the defences of the town were improved continuously throughout the long wars against France, which were to last until 1713. The hornworks were reinforced and more lunettes were constructed during this period.

Part of the Roman aqueduct built during Julius Cesar's reign

Dutch folk are exceptionally tidy as can be seen by this back lane between houses.

Cycling is a ubiquitous mode of transport in the Netherlands, with 31.2% of the people listing the bike as their main mode of transport for daily activities as opposed to the car by 48.5% and public transport by 11%.

University of Maastricht
In 2013, nearly 16,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 47% of whom were foreign students, with over 3,200 employees employed. About half of the bachelor's programmes are fully offered in English, while the other half is taught wholly or partly in Dutch.